Have you ever had the desire to be a witch and fly around on a broomstick? Well I can tell you how to make that dream come true. It's quite simple really. All you need is any standard broomstick, some belladonna and a vagina. Belladonna (also known as deadly nightshade) is a highly toxic vine that when ingested, causes severe delirium and hallucinations in addition to wreaking havoc on most vital organ systems. Some credible sources actually contend that the witch-flying-on-a-broomstick myth is derived from an actual practice that some medieval women participated in, which involved their use of a belladonna-soaked broomstick as a dildo. If you ingest the drug in this fashion you can be sure to fly; that is, if you don't perish in the process.
According to folklore, Satan is particularly partial to this plant, and is known to emerge from time to time in order to care for his crop. If you ever want to meet him, belladonna is the way to go. Back in my more adventurous days, I seriously flirted with the idea of attempting this experiment (minus the broomstick and vagina of course). In retrospect, I am thankful that I was not so reckless, but I must admit that this mythical drug still has some allure. I guess I can't completely rule it out.
The following is a direct quote from the website found at this address: http://www.dhushara.com/book/twelve/tw4.htm
All of Mandrake, Belladonna and Henbane contain atropine alkaloids, of which scopolamine is known as the hallucinogenic component. It is from the admixture of these three, along with the fat of a stillborn child that the ointments of medieval witches were prepared: "But the vulgar believe and the witches confess that on certain days and nights they anoint a staff and ride on it to the appointed place or anoint themselves under the arms and in other hairy places" (S&H 88). The witch riding on her broom is believed to be specifically associated with the application of such an ointment to the vaginal mucosae which forms an ideal method of cutaneous entry. The inclusion of toads legs would also be consistent with the bufotenene present in the skin of the genus Bufo.

The witch preparing herself with her broomstick. Datura meteloides.
A Shiva Datura flower on a Tantric yoni-lingum (S&H 1979).
A Shiva Datura flower on a Tantric yoni-lingum (S&H 1979).
It was believed that such witches would ride on their broomsticks to black sabbaths where they would cavort with male sexual manifestations of the devil himself in the form of an incubus. A truer picture would be sensation of flying produced by tropane intoxication and the use of the forest as a meeting place for worshippers of the ancient Earth Goddess, possibly in a fertility rite involving the use of the hexing herbs as power plants.