
Islam Is A Heinous, Evil, Abomination

Islam in action.

Despite eight years of U.S.-imposed “freedom” in Afghanistan, the women of that country remain one of the most oppressed people on earth. As a result of the Taliban resurgence, and also the rise of Islamic fundamentalist factions in the Afghan government, the picture looks grim for the women there:

Afghan women are among the worst off in the world, violence against them is “endemic” and Afghanistan’s government fails to protect them from crimes such as rape and murder…

“Women will not seek help because of their fears of police abuse and corruption, or their fears of retaliation by perpetrators of violence,” said the 96-page [Human Rights Watch] report, which is based on 120 interviews from different Afghan provinces...

The report cites cases where rapists have been pardoned by the government, girls and women have been imprisoned for running away from home, rape victims have been charged with adultery and where women in public life have been murdered.

It comes a week after the United Nations said violence and rape against women in Afghanistan was a problem of “profound proportions.”


The Taliban may no longer be in power, but the legacy of Sharia law is alive and well. After all, the Qur’an teaches,

Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.

Shakir’s translation of the Koran, Quran, 4:34

This is pretty clear instruction. Disobedient women are to be literally beaten into submission. In instances of noncompliance in the bedroom, the Afghan government has given men the legal remedy of denying their wives food and drink if they refuse to have sex with them. Of course, that drastic action is likely rendered unnecessary by the fact that Afghani men generally have fewer qualms about raping their wives than men elsewhere. In fact, there is no specific provision in the Afghan legal code that criminalizes rape. Even if there were, the political and social culture in that country is such that rapes would garner no serious attention from authorities.

Naturally, the craziness is not just confined to Afghanistan. From today’s Jordan Times:

The Criminal Court prosecutor on Saturday charged a 36-year-old man with the premeditated murder of his younger married sister the previous day in the latest so-called honour murder in the Kingdom, according to official sources.

The 34-year-old victim, who was nine months pregnant, received seven fatal stab wounds to different parts of her body, allegedly inflicted by her brother, one senior official source told The Jordan Times.

The suspect then headed to the nearest police station, handed the knife he allegedly used in the incident to the officer on duty and claimed “family honour as his motive”, the source added.

The Islamist said he stabbed his own sister because he thinks she was committing adultery, and on top of that, she often left the house without her husband, i.e., unsupervised!

This is nothing new. An “honor killing” is carried out when a woman has shamed—or has been perceived to have shamed—her family by committing some awful deed, such as disobeying her husband, walking in public without a male escort, or getting raped. The killing is committed when some virtuous Muslim man or men, take it upon themselves to rectify this abhorrent state of affairs by stabbing, stoning, beating, or shooting the offending woman to death.

Recently, in Somalia, a young woman accused of adultery was murdered by the local militia, which was simply enforcing Sharia law:

According to reports from a small village near the town of Wajid, 250 miles (400km) north-west of the capital, Mogadishu, the woman was taken to the public grounds where she was buried up to her waist.

She was then stoned to death in front of the crowds [which were about 200 strong] on Tuesday afternoon.

The judge, Sheikh Ibrahim Abdirahman, said her unmarried boyfriend was given 100 lashes at the same venue.


Even in America, these “honor killings” have been perpetrated, with six documented cases in the past two years.

Some might object that Islam is actually a religion of kindness and peace. Bullshit. Islam is no more peaceful than Christianity. The Qur’an is so broad and vague and contradictory as to justify virtually any disgusting practice, including the murder of me and my ilk:

Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. - Sura 2:98

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191

O Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey’s end. - 9:73

It is perhaps too sanguine of me to hope that Islam itself is headed for a hapless journey’s end anytime soon. While not all Muslims act in such a destructive and wicked manner, Islamic extremism is simply a symptom of the disease of Islam. And in several ways, the religion is actually worse than a disease. Can you recall any disease that infected one billion people worldwide? Do you know of any disease where the afflicted generally wish to remain ill?

By far, the most important question is: What prospects for success does the vaccine of reason have for inoculating the sick?

If our country with its own (less dangerous, Christian) extremists is any indication, the answer is, very few. god help us!

- Max

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