
Newt Gingrich Proves Our Point About Republicans Appealing To Emotions

Newt Gingrich is a pathetic, carping has-been.

Last night on the Daily Show, former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich made a surprising admission.

Gingrich was talking with Jon Stewart about the underwear bomber, and the former was belching the same tired lines about how absurd it was to read Amdulmutallab his rights. Stewart then pointed out that the Bush administration did the same thing with shoe bomber Richard Reid. Gingrich then falsely responded with all the confidence in the world, “Richard Reid was an American citizen.” Reid was not, and is not, a U.S. citizen. He’s a U.K. citizen, and as such has the same legal standing in the United States as the Nigerian underwear bomber. Unfortunately, Stewart did not correct him during the interview.

Is Gingrich lying? Does he really think Richard Reid was an American citizen? If he does, then clearly Gingrich’s opinions on counterterrorism warrant no respect whatsoever. If he was lying, then Gingrich himself deserves no respect whatsoever. Either way, we should not be taking policy advice from Newt Gingrich.

Shortly after Gingrich’s gaffe/lie, he blabbed some more about terrorism and the American people, and at one point the following exchange took place:

Stewart: That’s a very emotional way to put it.

Gingrich: That’s part of our job—is to reach out to the emotions of the American people.

Stewart: I think that’s wise. And don’t let reality get in the way.

Gingrich didn’t specify which “our” he’s a part of, but I think it’s safe to assume he means conservatives/Republicans. Here we have a crystal-clear admission from the most important Republican of the 1990s that appealing to people’s emotions is an important part of their M.O. Never mind that the underwear bomber is providing authorities with information despite being read his rights. All that matters to Gingrich and company is the opportunity to portray the other side as weak on terrorism. But it seems to me that conservatives are not nearly as interested in acquiring valuable intelligence as they are in meting out draconian punishments to satisfy a primal urge for revenge, even it comes at the expense of obtaining useful information. I mean, what else are we to conclude from this whole charade? The suspect is talking. He didn’t have to be sent to Gitmo. He didn’t have to be waterboarded. If he’s cooperating with the FBI what the fuck does it matter if he was read his rights?

Of course, we know that Gingrich and his ilk are playing politics with the underwear bomber because they raised no stink about the Bush administration’s handling of Richard Reid, which was the same. This is a calculated move by them. They are simply appealing to the lizard-brained folk. And it’s probably working. The politics of fear usually does.

- Max Canning


  1. He could've avoided this whole gaffe if he had just written the information on his hand before he went on the show!

  2. John Stewart is too chummy with that fuck face. He was spouting such bullshit during that interview, like that tired line about Obama telling people not to go to Vegas.

  3. Hey, I'm just wanting to make sure the fact doesn't get forgotten - Newt's a big TV star now, and has all the shit spit-shined from his features.



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