Recently just across the border in New Hampshire, a 31 year old Massachusetts Catholic priest was arrested as part of a prostitution sting. The priest was responding to a Craigslist ad posted by police who obviously had nothing better to do than to commit entrapment and fabricate a “criminal” act where otherwise one would not have existed. Now mind you, this priest thought he was soliciting sex from an adult female, unlike the pederast ministers within the Catholic Church who prey on little children.
The priest in question has taken a forced leave of absence, and when the case is concluded the Boston Archdiocese will pronounce sentence on him. But we need not look that far ahead to consider that this leave of absence is already harsher than what the Archdiocese meted out for John Geoghan and other child-rapists who were simply shuffled from parish to parish once they had sampled all the available prepubescent ass at a given location.
But the police are arresting the wrong preacher. What of Bernard Law—the disgraced former cardinal of Boston who now resides in the Vatican out of the reach of the American justice system? Or of any number of Church officials still in America who helped cover up sexual abuse? Or Pope Ratzinger himself? These are suspects who had many victims, even if they themselves were not the ones pulling the pants off the children. Prostitution on the other hand, is victimless. Degrading? Yes. Criminal? No.
And what of the Nashua, New Hampshire police who set this sordid trap? Do they not have enough real criminals to track? Isn’t New Hampshire’s motto “Live free or die”? I find it ridiculous that a person can walk around New Hampshire with a loaded firearm strapped to his waste without getting hassled by any John Q. Laws, but a man may not anonymously and privately solicit sex in exchange for money. Ditto for the woman who offers such services. Am I missing something here?
The great irony in all of this is that a woman is allowed to sleep with whomever she wants, as long as money is not involved. If she posts an ad offering free sex to any man who comes along, that is fine. But request payment, and it becomes a moral scandal worthy of criminal prosecution.
I do not understand this society.
- Max
Why did you guys delete your Facebook page? It was easier following you that way!
ReplyDeleteKartik, we didn't delete the page. Facebook disabled it and we have no idea why. I'm still waiting for FB to respond to my inquiries. Hopefully they will reactivate it.