
The United States of Narcissism

An important characteristic of a mature adult is the ability to take constructive criticism from others and turn it into a vehicle for self-betterment. Another sign of maturity is the ability to admit when one is wrong or has made mistakes, and the willingness to rectify them.

These are universally admired characteristics which speak to a common decency in those who possess them. To lack these features in one’s personality constitutes a glaring deficiency that will no doubt be unpleasantly noticeable to those who must interact with that person. Americans can be a forgiving bunch, willing to overlook minor or mild transgressions if only the perpetrator will make the necessary ritual mea culpa and look sincere while he allocutes. In some cases he may even be praised for his humility in the face of the giant mess of his own creation. After all, “Everyone makes mistakes.”

The fallibility of humans is a fundamental and unavoidable fixture of the species. Everyone is aware of this gloomy reality which is actually the very foundation of most religions, including Christianity. But in the United States, the public is completely unwilling to apply this simple idea to itself, or more specifically, the government for which the public is largely responsible. In other words, individual Americans are expected to apologize when they do harm to another or admit to being an ass on occasion. But Americans believe that Americans are virtually beyond reproach as a collectivity. I am thinking in particular of the reaction in the U.S. to Barack Obama’s overseas speeches last year in which he said America had been “arrogant” and “dismissive” of its allies in international affairs—surely an understatement of the first order. Controversy shortly ensued. World Net Daily declared, “Obama apologizes for America.” Mitt Romney decried Obama’s “Apology Tour.” RedState.com returned the critique, saying it was Obama who had been arrogant and dismissive. Of course, the president did not actually apologize for anything, but in this age of America fetishism and feigned outrage by armchair patriots, Obama’s comments constituted an affront to all red-blooded, flag-waving Americans.

How is it that a nation can laud the willingness of individuals to admit wrongdoing, while at the same time hopelessly lack the ability to admit to its flaws as a collective entity (as embodied by the government of the United States in its relations with others)? I have tried my damnedest to reconcile these realities but I find myself wholly incapable of performing the necessary mental contortions for this task. Most Americans do not suffer from personality disorders, but solicit an American’s opinion on the Motherland and you are likely to observe a slew of symptoms associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (IV), the criteria for NPD are fulfilled when a person exhibits five or more of the following symptoms:

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance

“American is the beacon of freedom for the world.”

2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

America is the greatest country on earth.”

3. believes that he or she is “special” and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also “special” or of high status.

America is an exceptional nation.”

4. requires excessive admiration

“Love it or leave it!”

5. has a sense of entitlement

“God bless America.”

6. is interpersonally exploitative

Europe owes us because we bailed them out in World War II.”

7. lacks empathy

“Fucking illegals! Fucking welfare bums!”

8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

“People immigrate to America because we are the land of the free.”

9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

See all of the above

As you can see, the United States public suffers from severe NPD. Who among us would entertain the company of someone who possessed even just a few of the above characteristics, let alone all nine? Yet collectively, the American people are a giant asshole. Yes we are. Take it away, Lewis:

- Max


  1. Great post! The USA, we the people, are so damn arrogant. Yuck!

  2. looking to laugh this morning. found it. awesome;-)



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