If you have ever chatted with someone you thought was bat-shit crazy, then you have likely heard some interesting 'conspiracy theories’ from such individuals. Many people that are often deemed insane often hold beliefs and engage in behaviors that serve as the butt of others jokes, perhaps the most common of which is a preoccupation with falling victim to government and/or alien mind-control. The good people at Educate-yourself.org, however, take this mind-control shit quite seriously. They also promote their beliefs regarding many other equally bizarre conspiracy theories. The most interesting feature of this site is the abundance of ‘evidence’ the authors cite in support of their often wild claims. This site may be nothing more than the premier hub for psychotic individuals to congregate and collude in maintaining their delusional beliefs. The information contained therein, however, could also represent legitimate knowledge that most of us 'normals' have no clue about. You be the judge.
In order to promote my new-found enjoyment of this website, I figured I would put together a short list of five of my favorite particularly bizarre theories found on the site. Please comment on anything related to this material, or the material found at educate-yourself.org. I am hoping to get an interesting conversation going with this one.
Top 5 Wildly Amusing Conspiracy Theories
1. Life threatening diseases (e.g., cancer, heart disease, etc.) can be cured by Urine Therapy, a procedure where the patient is put on a diet which consists solely of consuming his/her own urine. That means no food or water is ingested during this time (with the exception of urine of course), a process that can last from a few days up to about a month. The prescribed urine dosage suggests drinking it all down to the last drop each time you go. If you do not deviate from this strict regiment you can expect your illness to be cured in a short time. Just make sure to catch every last drop!
2. All over the country the government is continuously erecting ELF, or microwave transmission towers that serve the purpose of exerting mind-control on the unsuspecting populace. We are led to believe that these mind-control devices are really cell phone towers, when instead, they are really emitting a special wave frequency that essentially turns us all into automatons, forcing us to do the bidding of the powers that be. I suspect OJ was under mind-control when he killed Nicole. Nordberg never would have done something so heinous.
3. NASA is currently planning the most intense light show performance humanity has ever seen, which is shaping up to be nothing short of apocalyptic! In short, their project, “Blue Stream," is an elaborate plan to convert the world into believers in a particular brand of ‘new age’ religion. Fabricated advances in scientific discoveries and strategically executed natural disasters will both help achieve this goal in due time. The light show will be the culmination of this project, a time when all of humanity drops to their knees and looks up to the heavens in awe as holographic images depicting various religious prophecies flash across the sky. Next, the new messiah, who will be named Matraia, will appear and speak to everyone on Earth in a booming God-like voice, instantly collecting an entire human population of bewildered converts. This is of course the final goal that the New World Order or Illuminati peeps have been planning for years.
4. Noam Chomsky is not simply a sharp critic of American foreign policy, but is also well versed in defending predominantly ‘liberal issues.’ Unfortunately, his whole enterprise is part of an elaborate scheme to keep certain important issues classified. By exposing ‘just bad enough’ problems with our governmental policies, Chomsky effectively keeps a lid on the larger conspiracies, effectively preventing them from entering the public discourse. In this way, he is considered by some to be the Illuminati’s greatest asset, and he willingly plays this role.
5. A special device called the “Succor Punch” is an effective tool that can prevent one from exposure to government mind-control microwaves, and apparently, it only consists of a small quartz crystal and 9-volt battery. I suggest you all fire one of these up soon or prepare to face the consequences!
Feel free to let me know what your favorite topic is.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean everyone isn't out to get me.