
9/11 Was Not An Inside Job


Recently I had the displeasure of conversing with a 9/11 “truther”—a person who believes that the September 11th attacks were an inside job perpetrated by the Bush administration to use as a pretext for the so-called war on terror. His syllogism went something like this:

Bush wanted to invade Iraq (and presumably Afghanistan).

Bush could not invade without a good reason.

Therefore, 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush to provide the reason.

Now, I think George W. Bush is one of the worst presidents ever, and his invasion of Iraq was a textbook war crime. But if the Bush administration was going to go through the trouble of somehow getting planes (or missiles as some truthers claim) to fly into the World Trade Center, planting explosives in the buildings beforehand so they could be detonated after impact, fabricating the identities of the hijackers, covering up all government involvement after the fact, then I have just one question: Why wouldn’t the Bush administration just forge some Iraqi passports for the phony hijackers in order to make an airtight case for war against Iraq? I mean, if 9/11 was one big ingenious theatrical production by the government, why would Bush and company make the hijackers out to be from Saudi Arabia, a key U.S. ally? Instead, none of the nineteen hijackers were Iraqi, while fifteen of them were Saudi.

This question has never been coherently answered by any truther. When I posited this to a conspiracy nut once, he replied, “Because that would’ve been too obvious.”

Ha. So what he was saying was that the Bushies, instead of cooking up some fake Iraqi identities to create a slam-dunk justification for invading Iraq, decided to choose the path of most resistance by implicating a bunch of Saudis in the attacks so they’d have to jump through all kinds of hoops to explain to the American public that it wasn’t Saudi Arabia that needed to be invaded, but Afghanistan where the “terrorists” had trained, and then Iraq, which they had nothing to do with.

This does not make sense on any level. The fact that most of the hijackers were Saudi was extremely inconvenient for the Bush administration, and this needed to be overcome for propaganda purposes.

Another problem with the truther hypothesis is that if the government was able to orchestrate 9/11 and cover it up, fooling most Americans, why couldn’t it fabricate some evidence linking Iraq and 9/11? Or, why couldn’t it fabricate evidence proving beyond all doubt that Saddam was manufacturing weapons of mass destruction? Indeed, if the Bush administration had the will and the ability to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks, why didn’t it have the will and the ability to plant some WMDs in Iraq after the invasion so they could “find” them and tell the American people, “Aha! See, we were right!”? But this didn’t happen. Not even a single drum of nerve gas. And when no WMDs were found, Bush looked like a total asshole. So again, this makes no sense.

Also, what about the fact that in a conspiracy of this magnitude, hundreds, probably thousands of people would have to be involved in the attacks and the subsequent cover up? If 9/11 were an inside job, you’d think somebody would’ve leaked something. How can a secret like that be kept when hundreds of people know it? It’s impossible, especially with over eight years having passed.

But if you’re a truther, why bother trying to explain any of this? It’s much easier to take a condescending tone with people and tell them, as truthers love to do, “Wake up, people!” In using this kind of rhetoric, truthers are telling us that they are part of an “enlightened” minority, a small group of critical thinkers who are “in-the-know” about 9/11. They assume the guise of teachers who want others to see the light, but in reality they want stay small in number so they can continue to feel smarter than everyone else. The only problem is, their theory of what happened is totally fucking stupid.

- Max


  1. I think I love you. I just wanted to throw that out there before the nut jobs started swarming. Happy Hunting.

  2. "1,000 Architects & Engineers Call for New 9/11 Investigation"
    more than 1,000 worldwide architects and engineers now support the call for a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. After careful examination of the official explanation, along with the forensic data omitted from official reports, these professionals have concluded that a new independent investigation into these mysterious collapses is needed.


  3. And how many civil engineers AREN'T calling for a new investigation? Way more than 1,000. How many civil engineers agree with the "official" story? Again, way more than 1,000. So excuse me if I'm unimpressed by your appeal to numbers in this case. I mean, after almost nine years, it's only 1,000? You give me nine years and I can round up a thousand scientists who don't believe in evolution. (In fact, I think they already have.) What's your point? Where are the peer-reviewed articles demonstrating that the towers could not have possibly collapsed the way the did if planes crashed into them? That's where you need to get whatever work you've done published. There are many respectable engineering journals out there that would be glad to to consider a well-argued piece along those lines that soundly takes all available facts into account.

    But instead you're scouring the internet to pick fights with anonymous writers to try to get your point across. It seems pretty pathetic, actually. You have questions about 9/11, which is fine. But questions are not evidence. And like I said, no truther has ever answered the points I raised in this post because they can't be answered--at least not coherently. They do not at all fit with the purported motive of the government in its alleged perpetration of 9/11.

    I imagine that you would like to get into a long, drawn out discussion about this, but I am not willing to waste the time necessary for that. If you have any peer-reviewed material that shows conclusively, or at least quite plausibly that the collapse of the towers was the result of a controlled demolition, maybe I'll take a look at it. Until then, there's nothing here to discuss.

  4. ok guys why has no other steel high rise collapsed before,then we have 3 on one day,ok i'll discount towers 1+2,because they had planes hit them,but building 7 is just so suspicious,and just to add more suspicion it didnt even get a mention in the official investigation, afterall these kind of tricks have been pulled before,its now been declassified that the gulf of tonkin incident never happened,so vietnam was based on a lie.then we have the contra affair,i could go on and on through the history of false flag attacks. WHY could the biggest defense budget in the world not swing into action,norad just down the road and all.i dont degrade anybody,i believe in the conspiracy,the majority on here obviously dont.so what if we all thought and did the same it would be a very boring life,live and let live,thats my motto. peace to u all.

  5. Anonymous5/10/2010

    What about all the war game exercises that were going on the morning of nine eleven, simulating planes hitting into buildings? You know, the ones that Cheney ordered. So that the interceptors could not be available to do their jobs. So that no one knew what was real and what was only an exercise? Explain that one to me.

    1. Anonymous5/02/2012

      It's called a coincidence, dumbass!

    2. lol it wasnt a coincidence stuff doesnt just happen

  6. No I'm not going to try to explain the war games exercises. Jesus, you truthers are unbelievable. You love to hurl mountains of circumstantial evidence (most of it bogus) at people and demand an explanation.

    Fuck that. You PROVE your position. Questions are important, but questions are not answers. Nor is conjecture evidence.

    1. Anonymous8/10/2012


      Your opininon is yours. But since 9/11 a lot has changed. And it gave certain persons the control over the masses. Building 7, wars on innocent countries, and control is not a fairy tale. Answer -right in front of you.

    2. lol we would love to prove u wrong but a new investigation is needed tot do so, btw this is not the first false flag operation that has been done to start a war just google.

    3. lol we would love to prove u wrong but a new investigation is needed tot do so, btw this is not the first false flag operation that has been done to start a war just google.

  7. Anonymous8/03/2010


    1. Anonymous4/27/2012

      And you can't even spell, you retard (one "t") or type correctly! IDIOT!!! You're just another stupid troll. Go crawl back under your rock.

  8. Anonymous8/03/2010


  9. I can see you are as tired as I am of arguing with these knuckelheads. There is something so unsettling about real tragedies such as this and JFK that it causes some people to become unable to think rationally. (That's my theory). You're right about them wanting to be part of a small minority, but they also DON'T want to be part of the small minority who perpetrated it. In creating a conspiracy they seek to differentiate themselves from the attackers, and say, you see, these people were inhumanly evil, not like us at all. It is REALLY terrifying to believe that there exist among us people capable of doing things like this. Maybe it lessens the blow in their minds if these terrible acts were done in the name of some big cause. Regardless of their motivations, you are 100% correct that the Government, shadow or otherwise, COULD NEVER keep anything like this secret. What happened to the people who planned and executed this? Were they all killed and their bodies place in the towers before the explosion? Then, who killed the killers? Who paid of the FDNY, NTSB, FBI and all the other alphabet soup agencies to keep quiet and cover up evidence. The scope of trying to cover this up is truly unbelievable. So many people would have to be involved that it is not even a conspiracy at that point. If our Government or people within it were capable of something like 911, then surely we would have found Bin Laden by now, a task that is simple by comparison.

    1. lol nigel, jfk was murdered by cia there is a confession tape out for a while now. why do you guys have so much trust in your govt that keeps fucking u over and over and over.

  10. Anonymous9/24/2010

    I think you've answered your own question there. To put Iraq in the frame would have been too blantent. We're told the hi-jakers, (most of whom are somehow still alive) were from saudi arabia. If that was the case and the saudi's are to be blamed then why did america just sell them an epic amount of weapony. And to all of those who think it occured as we've been told. you are the fools. You are actually the reason the "eleite" think they're better than us. You have no capacity to think away from society, and you truly deserve the tryanny you shall recieve.

  11. If the government coordinated this as carefully as you say, why the hell would they finger--as hijackers--actual people whom they knew would still be walking around after 9/11 since they weren't actually hijackers?

    This question is irrelevant anyway, since the BBC (source for the original "hijackers are still alive" story) has said that its initial article written less than two weeks after 9/11 was erroneous and based on incomplete information.

    Finally, as to your explanation that fabricating Iraqi hijackers would've been too blatant: Says who? Shit, an attack originating from Iraq would sound just as plausible, if not more so, than an attack originating from Afghanistan. The fact that the hijackers were Saudi was a giant pain in the ass.

    Truthers are a cult.

  12. Anonymous10/23/2010

    Only because X does not fit does not mean Y happened. Sure, that a plane Xplodes 2 buildings almost an hour AFTER hitting them is weird, that four plane were highjacked and 3 planes hit their target and yet 4 buildings took damage or collapsed is really weird too.

    But so far no evidence was produced on who did what.

  13. Anonymous12/09/2010

    Your all dumb. We are mercenaries for the Saudis. Both the United States and Saudi Arabia are capitalizing on the weak parts of the middle east. The Tech Boom was over. We needed a war and an excuse.

  14. Anonymous1/02/2011

    Thank god someone can finally say 9/11 was not an inside job who ever thinks it was you are fucking stupid. Look at the facts about how the wtc was really made and the foundation and what fell from wtc would make wtc 7 fall.

    1. Anonymous6/11/2012

      haa! your an idiot u just believe anything u read huh? well do some investigating because u really think some shit from the towers made wtc 7 fall wow u must have not seen the videos it was obviously controlled demolition.

    2. watch more fox news plz

  15. Anonymous1/09/2011

    Well said Max. Finally someone to say like it is. Truthers are no different than evangelicals who know "the truth" and want to bring the "good news" to all of us benighted non-believers.


  16. @ Anon,

    I'd actually say that truthers are worse than Evangelicals in that sense. At least Evangelicals are sincere about "enlightening" people by bringing them news of Jesus. With truthers, though, I get the sense that it's more about FEELING "enlightened" than teaching people. That way, they can ridicule us, tell us to "wake the fuck up," and call us sheep.

    I'd say truthers are more like a full-blown cult of the Jonestown or Heaven's Gate variety.

  17. Anonymous1/31/2011

    Just about every major historical event has a good conspiracy theory to go with it.

    The conspiracy about 9/11 however, is bat-shit crazy.

    Anyone who believes that 2 of the largest buildings on the planet could have been demolished with explosives while the entire world watched is a gullible moron. First off, rigging even a 10-15 story building with explosives requires months of prep-work before the demolition actually takes place. Demolition engineers have to examine the structure, determine what charges to use, where to place them, and create a sequence so that the structure falls the way they want it to. Then, they have to go through the entire building and "pre-cut" all the steel columns with cutting torches before you can even set the charges in place.

    There is no way in hell that this could have been done inside the twin towers & building 7 without anyone noticing. Not to mention demoliton engineers are typically working in gutted out buildings with full access to the structural members, not fully functioning skyscrapers with thousands of people in them, who would definitely notice people busting through concrete walls on every floor and hammering concrete off of the structural steel to expose it.

    And even further, much of those columns were 3-4 inch wall thickness. Whens the last time you saw someone burn through 4 inches of steel with a cutting torch in an office building without setting everything in a 20 foot radius on fire? How about never.

    And then, the best part of this conspiracy of all.

    All these explosives were set off. The largest "controlled demolition" mankind has ever set up, and not one single camera pointed at ground zero captued the powerful blast waves that would have been clearly audiable for many miles away from ground zero.

    There is a reason that only 1,400 engineers out of the 1.7 million who are employed in the United States are calling for a "new investigation."

    It's because the theory that 9/11 was an "inside job" is a completely unrealistic idea and has been proven false for the last 10 years now.

    Yes that's right, 1,400 engineers out of 1.7 million. That means 0.00082% of engineers in the United States support the 9/11 conspiracy.

    Well guess what... I'm an engineer myself, and I don't do engineering in the Twilight Zone.

    1. Anonymous8/10/2012


      Its O.K. Let them control your life. Freedom is for those whom respect it the most!


  18. Anonymous2/01/2011

    i'm a mechanical engineer, and working on my masters degree at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Here, me and my colleagues all know that the World Trade Center complex was turned to dust by explosives. For all of you 'debunkers' you simply do not have knowledge of anything you are talking about, its easy to recite things you memorized from someone else. haha, its really sad that all of you 'debunkers' really think that by defending the governments official version of events you are doing something good. Firstly, even if the kerosene from the jet melted a few columns, there is still 90 UNDAMAGED FLOORS underneath...these floors cannot just give way...haha. jesus. you all need to take some college courses, dropping out of high school does not give you scientific knowledge on building demolitions. Secondly, if the top 10 floors started to pulverize the bottom floors, there would be less mass above the bottom floors, meaning less stress. when you got down to the bottom floors, they would have been much more resistant to failure, since all the upper stress was removed. but, in fact, they powderized in 10 seconds. this just isnt possible without explosives, if you do not understand this, then keep memorizing Fox News, but shut the fuck up. Families need to know who murdered our 3000 fellow citizens

  19. Anonymous2/13/2011

    lmao iam just a carpenter, i dont have my master degree in engineering, but i knew in grade 8, turning concrete to pulverised concrete has no effect on its mass. i pray i never step foot in something you were on the egineering team. the fact you dont know the basic fundamentals in physics proves knowledge doesnt equal intelligence, or your school sucks.please get back to me explaining your complete fail at basic physics

  20. Anonymous2/13/2011

    anf for all you truthers, i ll put it and layman terms. and i didnt have to google this, i remember this from grade 8 science.regardless of a change of state(gas,solid,liquid) mass does not change, volume changes but not mass. and if you dont know the difference, then you will also think a ton of feathers ways more then a ton of lead. unfortunately have this little basic understanding of science most definetely makes your impending masters degree not worth the paper its written on. but thank you for pointed what school not to go to.

  21. Anonymous2/26/2011

    Explain building 7, have you done any research. Have you seen the documentary Loose Change. Can you explain how Bill Cooper and Alex Jones knew a huge attack was going to happen before it did. What did they say before Sep.11, the gov't was going to have their hands dirty and blame Bin Laden. Look it up. How come a role playing game called Illuminati New World Order have in it the twin towers and pentagon being attacked.when the.rpg was released in 95.

  22. Adding to everything that Max has beautifully said, am I the only one not surprised that the recent oubreak of WikiLeak documents hasn't provided any sort of evidence that 9/11 was an inside job?

  23. Honestly, you people that truly believe this bullshit. Do you honestly not think that fucking Boeings might have pretty fucking close to the strength of a controlled demolition. Your entire story contradicts itself if you truly believe the words you breath, you feel the US government that is ingenious enough to stage an enormously internationally polarizing attack and create chaos while collecting pork barrel money is somehow also too incompetent to keep the worst educated most ignorant poor class of society from blowing the lid on the whole operation...like, what? You're actually serious? Seriously...two giant american airplanes crashed into enormous steel and glass unequipped towers, and you're wondering how the towers collapsed? Fucking kill yourself.

  24. i have never believed that the twin towers were demolished by the US. if we wanted oil so bad it would have been easier to invade other oil rich countries or force bills to drill in the states. so that forces the oil theory right out the window. plus the government controls the price cealing for oil and gasoline, they could easily increase it and create a "shortage" which would increase demand rather than killing thousands. lastly; the second explosion, the one that supposedly was the control demolition, would have had to have been much much louder to level a building that large. you can easily youtube control demolitions and listen for yourself. i don't claim to be a genius or a learned elite. my only theory into why we invaded iraq was to convieniently over throw the regime and install a democratic one that could be used for economic measures. Bush and company knew of the impending economic crash. having another government ally would have made perfect sense to keep exports and imports going strong .. then the oil comes into play.

  25. Anonymous3/28/2011

    Your logic is flawed because you said why wouldn't they just implicate people with Iraqi passports, well they kind of did... How easy was it to stereotype middle-easterners as the culprit and claim bin Ladin was in cahoots with the high jackers. My point is, if they are from any middle eastern country, they can connect the dots how ever they want. You see, after the emotional/physchological effects on the american public, we as a nation were screaming for blood, the blood of the people the government had connected the dots to.

  26. Even if true that Americans "stereotype middle easterners," your ridiculous point still doesn't answer why the Bushies would involve alleged nationals from an ally--Saudi Arabia--in this plot. What you're basically is saying is that when the Bush administration was planning the 9/11 attacks as a pretext for war against Iraq, a conversation like the following took place:

    Conspirator 1: Ok,the method is all set. Planes, demo charges, etc. Now, where are the "hijackers" from?

    Conspirator 2: Well, we want to invade Iraq, right? Let's make most of them Iraqi nationals.

    Conspirator 1: Nah. Let's make up some Saudi identities for them.

    Conspirator 2: But they're our ally. We're not going to invade Saudi Arabia.

    Conspirator 1: I know. But if we make them Saudis who are in al Qaeda, then we'll have to invade Afghanistan where al Qaeda is, which we really don't want to do, and then we can spend a year building a case for war with Iraq, using conjecture and innuendo because we decided to take the path of most resistence by not bothering to fabricate any air-tight Iraq connections, which would be a walk in the park compared to fabricating and lying about the biggest terrorist attack in US history. In the process, we can alienate our allies by invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, even though we could have, in hindsight, made it neck deep in the attack."

    Conspirator 2: Dude, you're genius.

    Conspirator 1: I know.

    This is the conversation (or something like it) you're telling me took place? Sorry, I don't buy it.

  27. Anonymous3/29/2011

    Thank the Lord someone still has sense.

    But, as a comment to the other Anonymous that threw out Bill Cooper and Alex Jones: Anyone could have made this assumption. Why? Because, if you're an accomplished historian, it's a PLAUSIBLE DEDUCTION. My AP history teacher predicted something similar to 9-11 years ago. He knew planes would be involved, and they'd been flown into buildings, and the Middle East would be involved. But that has nothing to do with "inside jobs." If you have any elementary understanding of history, than you should be able to recall a little something known as Pearl Harbor and all of the "dots" connected with that one. The saying that history doesn't repeat itself is halfway BS, because circumstances tend to follow the same pattern of human emotion and logic. The Middle East has been screwed up for years. Something like this was bound to happen; it was tragic, it might have been prevented, but the US government is not capable of something like this. The conspiracy theories don't match.

    Oh, and anyone who says that flight 93 was a complete hoax and that they're wasn't a plane: more BS. Over the years they found bones and body parts in Pennsylvania that matched with the victims. Witnesses saw a plane. Check out the McCathecty (spelling?) photo.

  28. Anonymous3/31/2011

    @Max Canning
    Very well thought out and delivered case for your opinion , which I also concur with. Sorry conspiracy theorists, but you are whack jobs with having the burden of proof as YOUR responsibility, not the other way around. So YOU WAKE UP!

  29. Anonymous5/03/2011

    @ Max....your response to John is SO typical, answering his questions with questions and 'deflection' as you government officials do. How about the molten steel? the thermite? Tiny (approximately 1 cm) bone fragments?....found on the roof of adjacent buildings....from a gravitational collapse?! Or an explosion laden demolition?! You and your New World Order masters can try ALL you want to discredit the 'truthers' and destroy this country but a smallyet strong minority will bring you to your pathetic proverbial 'knees' some day. Lies can only stay hidden for so long. You should be ashamed of yourself. I hope the checks you're receiving from your 'masters' is worth it.

  30. Anonymous5/03/2011

    This site is just as full of shit as the New World Order. Fuck you both.

  31. Anonymous5/03/2011

    My simple question is - if the planes caused all the damage, why was there a sighting of explosions and a detection of a seismic wave before the planes crashed into the buildings?
    Please enlighten me.

  32. Anonymous5/06/2011

    Rothschilds were behind it, like they were JFK, like they were Lincoln. Pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as happened with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security.

    In 2000, there were 7 countries without a Rothschild controlled central bank. North Korea, Sudan, Iran, Cuba, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, AND LIBYA.

    The last 3 are capitalized for obvious reasons.

  33. Anonymous5/06/2011

    @the Carpenter, there's a reason why you are just a carpenter and not a Mechanical Engineer. I will only use your own argument to show your stupidity. It is true that pulverised concrete will not be different in mass than the concrete in tact, but the volume and density will change. After the explosions take place in the towers, one can clearly see debris move outward and away which would in fact cause less stress on the remaining floors under the impact zone. EVEN IF the concrete is not pulverised, it is physically impossible for the top floors to gain enough energy (whether from collapsing or from burning fuel)to force the rest of the intact tower to crumble WITHOUT synchronized explosives at predetermined locations in the core structure.

    -SDSU graduate in Mechanical Engineering

    1. Anonymous1/31/2012

      It is you that has shown your stupidity! If you where truly a -SDSU graduate in mechanical engineering then you would know that the weight of each floor was transferred to the core and perimeter columns not the floor below (THERE WAS NO VERTICAL LOAD BEARING COLUMNS BETWEEN THE FLOORS) Each floor was designed to carry its own weight plus live load not the weight of the floor above.The floors where literally hanging on the sides of the core & perimeter columns like a bridge.Once the tops of the towers started to fall they started the floors falling on to each other. At this point the top block was no longer needed to keep the chain reaction going. It is true that a lot of the mass was ejected out to the sides but all that was needed was the weight of two or three floors at any given time slamming down on the floor below to keep the chain reaction going all the way to the basement.what is going to stop that!!! There is no point in giving you my professional credentials any one can lie on the net so whats the point?

  34. Anonymous5/08/2011

    I think there's possibility of the buildings (1 & 2) having collapsed without bombs being placed, I mean, a big fucking plane full of gas hit it, that probably has the strength of a shit ton of TNT, right?

    Plus, it's ridiculous to believe that this is the best idea the government came up with to invade 2 countries.

    We just sent troops to Libya to fight terrorism and last time I checked none of the hijackers were Lebanese, nor were trained there from Al-Qaeda.

  35. One word I never hear from any of the "truthers" and surprisingly one I never hear from the debunkers is "the Pentagon."

    Why, WHY would Bush, a far right, pro-war activist attack his own military? Attack the people he would need in order to commit his "unjust, inhumane torturous acts of terrorism?" You truthers would have a minimally credible argument if it wasn't for this article, and indisputable fact.

    1. Anonymous2/06/2012

      the day before 9/11 the pentagon told congress it couldnt account for 2.5 trillion it jus so happens the only cpu that could find out where that money went happened to be on that side of the pentagon where the plane hit

  36. For those of you who don't think our government in capable of conducting a false flag terror attack on its own country... I urge you to study history. We went to Vietnam on a false flag attack !!! Can you believe that. We actually went to Vietnam on a complete and udder fabrication !!! I know it might be hard to comprehend... but just study history.

  37. Another big problem with you truthers is that you can't prove it was the US government. You say "it was a missile" or "it was bombs" but then I would reply maybe the terrorists or foreign governments placed them there to cover up their own actions and divert America's attention away from something else. Even if everything you say about what happened is true, you still don't prove it was our own government that did it. I am sorry truthers, but you make fools of yourselves and only hurt your identity more when you call everyone else fools for questioning your faulty reason.

  38. What incentive does the government have to invade Iraq? Think about it. Do they want to bring freedom to Iraq? If that is the case, it would be insane to kill your own citizens for that goes against democracy. Is it to get Iraqi oil? Why blow planes into buildings if you could remove regulations on oil companies and let Americans get their own oil? The motives don't match with the means to get there. It doesn't make sense that the US would do this to itself. It makes perfect sense terrorist groups would do this to us. They want to send us a message.

  39. Anonymous6/26/2011

    bill clinton cant get away with a sex scandal but the bush administration can get away with killing 3,000 of its own people by hitting the pentagon and two of the most well known skycrapers in the fucking world. im not saying that its not plausible a lot of evidence goes both ways. im not saying it is an inside job and im not saying it isnt. be open minded. look at both sides and decide for yourselves. its sickening to even think about our government doing this. although it could be true how the hell can everyone who knew about it keep it quiet.

  40. Anonymous7/23/2011

    I'd like to add to the above comment. I think that a lot of good arguments have been raised on this topic from both sides. I myself have always pondered at the possibilities of it being an inside job, but the arguments are both for and against.
    I am a fence sitter on this issue, but I thought the motives for the conspiracy theory was as follows: the US wanted documentation passed that invaded personnel privacy and to construct a media campaign of terror to foster public support for wars that would benefit US financial institutions. Al Qaeda terrorists were chosen as the culprits because AQ is multinational, allowing the US to help foster public support for multiple invasions. That is the conspiracy as I know it...
    As far as 9/11 goes, the event is extremely fishy. Those buildings do look suspiciously like demolitions, the Pentagon and Shanksville crash sites have very little in the way of rubble, and Al Qaeda personnel seem suspiciously incapable of such a skilful and complicated operation (many being in caves and all).
    The question of the pure number of people that would be needed to prepare and orchestrate such a delicate operation, and have NOBODY leak anything to anyone in all the years since the actual event took place? The idea of an inside job seems about as fishy as the idea of an outside job. The arguments for and against go beyond just this of course.
    Remain objective gentlemen. The minute you start slandering others because their point of view is different to yours, that is the minute you leave yourself open to retaliatory criticism. Neither side has a flawless case, that is why the conspiracy theory has such a huge following.
    Tim, Student teacher, Brisbane, Australia

  41. "You know what happened at Pearl Harbor?"

    There were people six decades ago who claimed that the force that attacked Pearl Harbor were american pilots in stolen planes. The proposed conspiracy would need to be of such magnitude that there would need to be some kind of end game that would have been obvious by now. I don't think Bush wanted to create a record deficit and put us into a recession. We have not gotten one drop of black gold from those countries we ran amok in and if it was about killing Saddam, we would have done that with a sniper rifle.

  42. Anonymous9/08/2011

    911 is completely unimportant. Really! Even if the "truthers" could gather damning evidence to prove it was an inside job, what then? Who would listen? Who would prosecute? 911 is not important because what happened in its wake is far more important. 911 was one crime, one act. Since then we have had the Patriot Act, DHS, TSA, TARP, 3 (4 if we go into Syria) illegal wars, unlimited wiretapping, etc, etc. We are sliding away from the Constitutional Republic we once were (Sorry! We were never a democracy. We all had a voice.)and into tyranny. Despite what happened on 911 no nation should punish its own citizens for the crime by depriving them of their rights and freedoms. 911 is scenery that distracts us. Most Truthers will never solve the crime however few realize that while they indulge in conspiracy their rights are being flushed away. Luckily there are people out there that realize 911 is just scenery and the crimes committed since then are far, far more important and that there are those that must walk the gallows (symbolically) for what they have done or at least let their families do it for them. 911 was one day but ten years has been a Hell. America has turned to shit and it would be a far better thing to see it shattered into a million pieces than to see tyranny in what was once a great republic. If Truthers really want to make a difference they would be better putting the conspiracy rhetoric aside and bouncing a rock off the head of either a member of the richest 1% or an agent of government. Make no mistake that our nation is making war on us but 911 has absolutely nothing to do with what will continue to happen. What does matter is a thing called apathy and another called complacency.

  43. Anonymous9/19/2011

    If you are a Truther you in result Support Terrorism...thats a cold hard fact

  44. Anonymous9/22/2011

    Cant we just settle the matter and all agree it was commited by Homosapiens?

    I mean lets just say for arguements sake it was planned by a bunch of igloos. How is this going to benefit your life knowing it? what satisfaction do you get doing all these "truth" research and what part of humanity and civilisation changed?

    There are so many alternative theories out there its becoming ridiculous.

    In the end bad people commited crimes and a lot people died as a result. And if you "Truthers" believe the perpetrators are still out there, then get off your computers and make your voice known and who knows.......

  45. Anonymous10/13/2011

    Operation Northwoods...Seems very similar to me

  46. Anonymous11/03/2011

    Holy fucking shit. Truthers are fucking retarded and everything they say is the most retarded explanations for anything i've ever seen. They're probably 20 year old virgins who think they can mean something by making shit up. Just grow the fuck up.

  47. Anonymous1/30/2012

    you kind of make a point... but these"truthers" as you call them make a lot better points... one of the biggest being the plane hitting the pentagon that NOBODY saw in clear daylight and not one camera caught (i'm sure the pentagon doesn't have security cameras everywhere)... there is TOO MUCH of evidence that doesn't seem so CIRCUMSTANTIAL for people to just accept the BULLSHIT story we were told. The biggest thing I notice here is that you have nothing to counteract any of that evidence. You seem to dodge anybody that asks you to try.

    1. I dont want to call you and idiot but my comment will basically say that. One of the most popular videos of the attack on the pentagon is from a security camera, I beleive it to be the one from the parking lot. And when you say saw do you mean like upclose? Becouse yeah, those people were killed by the plane. Was Bush an idiot yes. Was he a lameduck president before 9/11, yes. Was he behind it? I dont beleive he was smart enough to come up with a plan as large as it. Is there a conspiracy? Yes! Conspire- to think about something and organize it. therefore conspiracy about 9/11: to think about how to execute the plan to fly planes into the twin towers and the pentagon. So yes a bunch of people (most likely Middle Eastern Extremists) did conspire the plot. They end. Also I think this plan would have been years in planning and I dont see one finger pointed at Bill Clinton becouse if America was behind it he would be the one who gave the order to begin its execution, would he not be?

  48. Anonymous1/31/2012

    There are always more than two sides to every story. The attack on the WTC was not orchestrated by the Bush Administration, they were the pawns that only did what they were told to do by the Zionist Shadow. I say to all of the "untruthers" as they should be called, to pop that bubble you live in, TPTB do not have the average American's interest in mind, instead they have the average American's mind in mind. Those attacks occurred to implement the "War on Terror" and bring a fear of Muslim attacks to the door of every American family. You all that trust the "facts" of the Commission Report probably eat your fat asses to sleep every night in front of your favorite Fox or CNN shows, just like a good "Patriot" should do. Obviously there is a Zionist connection to not only 9/11 but to all recent events in both the middle east and the US, if you fail to realize this you might as well believe that Forbes actually lists the richest people in the world. I guess your all happy now that the "killer" Osama was killed by Obama. LMAO @ the "untruthers", Please enjoy your blue pills as there will be plenty of red ones left for those of us that want to enjoy the real world, if it's wicked or not.

  49. Check out the following site for physics of wtc tt on 911:

    Enter in your search engine


    Learn from Power Point Posters the Physics, Engineering, Chemistry & Math that explains the impossible collapses of the Towers from a retired Physics & Chemistry Instructor

  50. Anonymous2/20/2012

    To avoid being hated upon, I will not voice my opinion

    1. Anonymous8/31/2012

      then why comment at all if your not gonna voice your opinion?

  51. Anonymous3/26/2012

    at this point only God knows so quit arguing over stupid crap like this and let us believe what we believe!

  52. Anonymous4/10/2012

    People that believe our government killed our own people are uneducated that's why they sit at home trying to find some smart sounding story to tell because somehow "THEY JUST KNOW" and if you do the whole well I have this piece of paper that says otherwise I can just say well I can make a paper that looks "official & classified" too but it doesn't mean it actually happened there are a lot of people that fake stuff and actually start to believe that even once they made a piece of fake paper they will have a mindset to say it's the truth and subject there mind to a false belief. You hippies are really annoying with your uneducated minds.

  53. Anonymous4/19/2012

    Okay, I've read all these comments, so with everything in mind plus my ideology I would like to say this: There is a gas station in direct view of the "E" ring, with security cameras pointed directly at the "E" ring of the Pentagon. How do I know, you ask? Simple, I hooked them up, that's how I know. Now it's a dual headed system, one points directly at the Pentagon and the other one points directly at the #5/6 pump which are almost in the same angle of view. So here's my question, why will they not release that video, that will CLEARLY show exactly what hit the Pentagon? Now the official story for the "non release" is because it is too tragic to watch?! So let me get this straight we can see the planes (if that's what they were) hit the WTC towers all day long but not watch the plane hit the Pentagon? Now some will say but there is a video showing that from a camera on the Pentagon lawn... I assure you NO ONE can make from that video that the blurry at best image is definitely a plane. I can assure you I personally know the attendant at the time of the so called plane attack. The FBI confiscated all video discs within 5 minutes of the supposed strike, but not one was confiscated from any news crew helicopters or surrounding structures in and around WTC buildings?! Does that not seem a little odd to you? I also submit this: The Pentagon and surrounding air space are probably the two most "no fly zones" in the entire country. So you're gonna tell me an airplane had enough time to turn an impossible maneuver and get close enough and strike the pentagon with no anti military aircraft? Ya see I'm debunking the official story from the perspective of the Pentagon... and since I can prove without a doubt the cast of uncertainty of the Pentagon, doesn't it seem reasonable to doubt the certainty of the WTC story? I mean the official story comes from the same source, right? Just a food for thought :)

  54. Hi. I am a skeptic. I appreciate thoughtful, rigorous critical thought. Every once inawhile, I fall into the trap of engaging or chatting up these conspiracy theorists, and constantly realize *I* am the idiot.

    They don't use common sense, they don't use deductive reasoning, they don't use logic, nor proper debating methods.

    What's more, they seemingly can't spell or write a complete sentence... and yet I sit and try to educate their idiocy.

    It's so annoying... I mean myself getting into these conversations.

    Seriously... these people are marginal, and in no way important. They will shrivel up with time....

    it's a sad statement about our country that the most disaffected, those who might be able to ask the most powerful questions and make the most impacting changes, are embroiled in their own rabbit hole.

    It's really sad... those skeptical of the government don't have the critical faculties to properly question. Critical thought is in rare demand my friends....

  55. Anonymous5/02/2012

    Most of these truther's posts are actually quite amusing to read. After all the logical points Max points out there are still those who choose to ignore the facts and then repeat some claim they saw on a YouTube video. Reenforcing Max's point of view, there are numerous ways (I'm talking hundreds of different scenarios)the Bush Admin could have plotted in order to inavde countries in the Middle East. Might I add much, much more cost efficient so called plotts. After 9/11 the U.S. entered a mini recession most probably don't remember because it was so short lived. Now, if the Bush Admin had decided to, let's say, plot the assination of a top offical and play the blame game on a terrorist organization based in the Middle East, this would be much more cost effective; not to mention thousands of innocent lives being spared.

    I couldn't agree more that the people, groups, cults, clans whatever they want to call their fucking sorry existence on this earth, the truthers need more time to occupy their minds, instead of arguing for the sake of arguing.

  56. Anonymous5/07/2012

    I actually find all these conspiracy theories entertaining,sort of a laugh so you don't cry type of of I guess.There is NO WAY this was an inside job.Furthermore you do a great disservice to the men and women we lost that day.Just when you think you have heard it all.... BAM aliens killed kennedy...BAM 5 bankers run the planet...BAM if you do some kind of fucking origami and cross your fingers while scratching your ass a 20 dollar bill shows the W.T.C. collapsing..If all these nutjobs put half as much effort into getting off the pipe as they do disrespecting the tragedy of that day the world would be a better place,perhaps a tour in the middle east would WAKE their ass up to the fact that we have enough enemies in this world to not have to get high and dream up imaginary ones.my family has proudly served in the military for 3 generations.So I take great offense to people spouting off at the mouth and having ZERO credible evidence.And by the way I've seen damn near every YouTube and internet video there is on this whacko shit and i must say there is one common bond which unites them all that i have yet been able to explain and that is how do you call yourself an American? I Love this country and respect and support its ELECTED leaders ..Maybe you fuckheads and your dillusions of grandeur would feel more at home in France or wherever pussies are most tolerated at these days.P.S Alex Jones is a fucking fat fuck douche who obviously haseveryone with an I.q under 10 eating out of his hand..So glad I'm not alone in my rational thinking .keep up the good work max..

    1. Anonymous4/30/2013

      Alex Jones is a paranoid schizophrenic who should dragged from his home and shot in the street.

  57. Anonymous5/07/2012

    Ever notice how the people who are obsessed with this idea that 9/11 was an inside job and that our 'liberties' and 'rights' are being taken away are people that haven't really accomplished much in life for themselves? They're worried about their 'rights' because they don't have anything else...a career, a family, any sense of financial stability. My thought is that people have these 'Truther Ideas' because it's alot easier to blame the big government for ruining your life than to wake up every morning, look at yourself in the mirror, and say "Boy, I am a fucking loser...".

    1. Anonymous8/14/2012

      Right, and I'm sure that the thousands of architects and engineers who believe it was an inside job, asking for a new investigation are also "fucking losers"? You must really do zero research when you're spoon fed shit by the media. It's a lot easier to just believe what you're told than to wake up ever morning, look yourself in the mirror, and say "Boy, I'm a fucking sheep..."

    2. Anonymous8/22/2012

      OMG Your saying people only care what their government does because they have no life. What about the founding fathers, the people who create the nice life you have, you turn your back on free though and human rights and the great ppl who create the country your somehow trying to protect with your ignorance. For all of those who don't agree with true liberty the way the founding fathers created, which is personal responsibility and self worth, get the fuck out of my country. Move to china, but ur prob the same ppl who think de-industrializing our country and doing deals with china is a good thing, like walmart says "save money, live better" that's the motto your following, so shut up SLAVE. 9/11 was an inside job, WTC was built with bin-laden contacting, that's right bin ladin family was involved in the construction, the designer of the towers said it shouldn't have fell because it was designed to take 2 plane impacts and still stand, Larry Sivlerstein (the new owner of the WTC towers) admitted they pulled (controlled demo) WTC 7, lol wtf? hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk
      He also made 10's of millions from insurance policies. Now take ur nice life and bs degree in an unrelated subject and move you bitch asses to china. The world bank says china's economy will surpass ours by 2018, but we shouldn't care about theses things. It's funny how the patriot act which attacks our rights was written before 911, no one on the floor got to even read the disgusting nazi piece of legislation cooked up by the bush administration. It got brought out and passed w/o the knowledge of the people due to the 9/11 tragedy, how it be ready to got the next day when it would have taken months to prepare a POS like that, now we have the military commissions act, patriot act 2, cyber security act and whole bunch of endless BS based on the 9/11 lie. About the passengers being saudi, who cares it is irrelevant, we still attacked Iraq even tho they weren't involved, most ppl were mislead into thinking they were regardless, it's the same reason Larry Silverstein admits it, they think your stupid and their smarter than you so they can do whatever they want, unfortunately there prob right. Defend the right to free speech the right to bear arms, and all human unalienable god given rights, if not move to china and don't talk bad about your masters.

    3. Anonymous9/24/2012

      Seriously? Your comment is utterly ridiculous! The fact that you even posted this shows me that you are in fact, the uneducated one, the one that has nothing, etc..
      BTW... I am NOT a "truther"!

    4. Anonymous12/31/2012

      lmfao! that is so true xD you just made my day, fuckin idiot nutjobs, go find a hobby or something and do something of value in your life, dumbass cunts

    5. Anonymous12/31/2012

      Thanks you so much for writing this. I think we all are getting tired of these stupid ass fucking "truthers" thinking they know everything. Do something with importance in your life. Sit down, fucking chumps

  58. Visual Binary contrasts against Arabic. 911 was perpetrated by those who defy and attempt to destroy Visual Binary Intelligence, 15 from Saudi Arabia.

    I have dedicated my life to serving the core Visual Binary Intelligence. I teach with the Friendship Cube.

  59. Anonymous7/11/2012

    Do you "truthers" think that Clinton caused the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.. Or was that Bush too? Please let me know your thoughts on the 1993 attacks or were you even aware of that attack?

  60. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Americans Read MORALS AND DOGMA BY A. PIKE from 100 years ago while your at it read THE ANGLO AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT BY CARROL QUIGLEY world leaders have.
    Think your so educated over there, HA , you will be.
    Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death.
    From the U.K.

  61. You call us conspiracy nuts. I believe the term you are looking for is scientists. No matter who you talk to or what you believe, physics are facts. 9/11 was a government orchestrated operation. Those of you who believe otherwise, embrace madness.

  62. Anonymous8/29/2012

    Oh look another idiot that thinks a bunch of sand people were behind 9/11. Get a clue idiot. Israel was behind it.

    I'm from New York. Your ignorance is appalling.

  63. Anonymous10/19/2012

    "what about the fact that in a conspiracy of this magnitude, hundreds, probably thousands of people would have to be involved in the attacks and the subsequent cover up? If 9/11 were an inside job, you’d think somebody would’ve leaked something".

    That's the most idiotic thing you've said, and as far as I'm concerned it null and voids your whole arguement that a 911 cover up wouldn't be possible. Hundreds or thousands of people could EASILY cover this up. And as for leaking stuff, what you think people haven't 'leaked' stuff already? Mostly though, the press and media won't report it because A. They won't believe you and treat you as a conspiracy loony, or B. They're in on it themselves. Anyone who thinks this isn't possible is a retard. I have been watching via youtube, all about a pedophile in England who died last year and has gotten away with his crimes. Thousands of people involved didn't do anything about it because they were worried about the consequences of reporting an allegation so "ridiculous". Yet the childrens entertainer has possibly abused over 60 kids, with over 400 accusations and they are still coming in as I write this. As soon as I saw this I knew it was possible for a 911 cover up. Don't be ignorant.

  64. Anonymous10/23/2012

    Well, i guess this whole conspiracy thing will never die. everything is a conspiracy according to some people. the government lies about everything. wow some real nut jobs out there. all the questions have been answered time and time again, but to no avail. they know the truth, while the rest of us are idiots. i think its a great thing that we are curious and do not believe everything we are told. i just think people take things way to far, and some of these theories are so far fetched its crazy. some people claim the planes that hit the towers were holograms. really? those people should sign organ donor cards, because they are brain dead. some believe the pentagon was not hit by a plane. oh, and what about all the passengers, and the plane, no one will notice they are all missing? what about all the records of the passengers? no trace of them anymore? see how crazy it is when u sit and think about it? those two fools who made loose change should be shot in the head. also damn all u idiots bashing the us. u London bad teeth bastards. u are all an orthodontists dream.

  65. Anonymous1/13/2013

    I live in New Zealand and even from here it looked like the US did it to themselves, answer me this, how could to buildings fall at the speed of gravity WITHOUT explosives? (must be some sort of physics defying construction) that means the building had to of someway have each floor give way before the one above got to it, how does it do that? Also if all buildings fell this way why have controlled demo's? OK maybe one could have been believable but 3 buildings doing all the same thing? WTC 7 wasn't even hit by anything, does that not even ring a single alarm bell? None of that at all adds up, if someone can give me an explanation to it (haven't heard one yet) I'd love to hear it, oh that's right someone will just say "you're crazy"..that's cool, now tell my why I'm crazy..you say we have to prove it, well there is some proof, now defend yourself with some facts that explain what i have just written.

  66. Anonymous4/30/2013

    I can't stand these 9/11 conspiracy theorists, my sister being one of them! They're nothing but Paranoid Schizophrenics who think EVERYONE's out to get them. They should shut up and take their Halodol medication



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