
Facebook Account Disabled

FYI: Please note that Facebook has disabled both of our pages. We have no idea why they did that. I have appealed to Facebook and hopefully they will un-disable (re-enable?) the page ASAP.

- Max


  1. There's too many god fearing wall street loving republican voting ignoramuses on facebook - you are missed more than you know, please come back!

  2. Rochelle, we're trying to get back on Facebook. Hang in there. Thanks for keeping up with us.

  3. I was wondering where all the blog notifications were! FYI they pulled a fan page dedicated to the separation of church and state recently, too. They claimed it was on 'accident.'

  4. I had posted a reply to something a person I knew from high school had posted. All of these "friends" from school, some who I have known since 1st grade, all seem to be of the tea bag paranoia. Christians who HATE Obama, Pelosi,etc. I wasn't aware that hate is accepted by the Christian faith. I made a comment about taxing churches that enjoy the services of public safety, or pray out the next fire. That didn't stay on Facebook very long. Fuck a Facebook. I did find this site through Facebook, thank god.



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