
Kindle Users Cry An Amazon River

For many people, owning a Kindle means being a bratty, high-maintenance, entitled douchebag.

I just went on Amazon to check out the customer reviews for The Big Short by Michael Lewis which I’m thinking about buying. Surprised was I to see that out of 143 reviews, a majority of them (74) gave the book just one out of five stars. What’s so bad about this book, you ask? Let’s check out some of the one-star comments:

Wow, no Kindle edition. FAIL. I cannot believe this debate is still going on.

When I don't see a Kindle edition, I just move on. The thought of paying more for a hard cover book that I don't need to have, that takes days to get to me on a book that I won't know if I like until I read makes no sense.

Kindle gives me instant access, it's price is right (even if I end up hating the book), I don't kill trees, and I don't have a book lingering about that I will more than likely never re-read. – Jeffrey M. Hester

Sorry Mike, but I'm giving you a terrible review because your publisher hasn't put this on the Kindle. – C. French

I really like Michael Lewis. The New New Thing is one of my favorite books. But the Big Short is not being made available in the format that I like to read books. In my opinion this is an inferior product. It's a bit like a record label only selling an album on casette tape. – Harper D. Lieblich

The reason is that the book is not available on the Kindle. Since I cannot read it on my Kindle I must give it only one star. In addition, past Lewis books have been somewhat underwhelming so its likely that this will also be a simplistic take on a complex issue. Too Big to Fail seems much better. – Naz

I'd like to add my name to the list of people who are very disappointed that this book does not have a Kindle edition. No, I haven't read the book, but I want to -- on my Kindle! If all these one star reviews lead to fewer sales, I think that would be a great result and an excellent lesson for the author/publisher. – Ben Kaplan

Not providing a Kindle option does not inspire me to go buy the hardcover, just the opposite in fact. There are plenty of books available on Kindle from publishers that evidently are happy to have my money. Publishers who ignore this new, growing market do so at their own peril. – B. Cole

Ridiculous this book is not available for the Kindle. It's 2010 people, I don't want to kill a tree, waste gas, throw away shipping packaging, I just want to read the book on my Kindle...I'll buy another book instead but not one from this particular publisher. – D.J. Wilbur

This is a message to the publisher: as a kindle owner, and a lover of ebooks, I think it would be nice to have the ebook available now. Simple economics suggests that it should be available now, at a lower price than paper book options. I believe I have the right to give 1 star to the hardcover book when a lower cost, more environmentally friendly, easier to read electronic version (with text to speech available) is a real world possibility--but is intentionally being held back by the publisher. – D.J. Najarian

Not fair of the publisher to block a Kindle version. I won't buy as a result. – J. Geison

I loved the other books by the author but refuse to buy this until it's available electronically.

Shame on the publishers for doing their part in destroying the environment, all in the name of squeezing out a little more money. – K. Donovan

Where is the Kindle format of this book? I would love to read it, but I'm not going to buy a hardcover. What a waste. – Thomas A. Sobieck

I would love to read "The Big Short" on my Kindle for $9.99. As a recent Kindle owner, I'm never buying a non e-book again. I enjoy reading Lewis's work, but his publisher needs to get with the program. – A. Valentine

You get the idea. The preponderance of one-star reviews are bitching and moaning from people who haven’t even read the book, but are such humongous losers, that they take the time to write, not a review of the book in the review section, but to bitch that it’s not on Kindle. Well fuck Kindle and fuck you. If you like reading e-books, fine. To each his own. But don’t menstruate all over Amazon because the book is only available in book format. The people who wrote that they really wanted to read the book, but have decided they won’t because it’s not available on Kindle are immense tools. What they’re essentially saying is, “This book has the potential to really educate me on the complex subject of financial derivatives, but I’m going to forgo this information because it’s only available as an actual book.

Has this country gone soft? What a bunch of crybabies. “Waa, waa. I can’t read a book on my Kindle.”

You know, right before the fall the ancient Romans would complain that they couldn’t read Seneca or Tertullian on Kindle either. America, I’d cut that shit out immediately.

- Max

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