
Gearing Up For The War On Christmas

Alright, let’s do this.

It’s that time of year once again when opponents of the separation of church and state decry…well…the separation of church and state. Christmas season provides no shortage of Christian zealots wishing to foist their iniquitous hocus pocus on others by using the public forum to display apocryphal scenes from Biblical lore and to spread the fraudulent words of their huckster messiah.

The inevitable and Constitutionally-minded secular pushback against such ignoble and illegal buffooneries will be met with perfunctory revulsion and shocking disbelief by those who are Holier than Thou. Editorial pages of the conservative press will be rife with indignation at the offense to this great “Christian nation.” Fox News anchors and like-minded media personalities everywhere will feature a seemingly endless parade of segments announcing that “the war on Christmas” is once again under way, with the godless factions “mounting this surge because they are aware that they have a large, untapped army of potential troops.” Christmas indeed seems to be under attack. Or so we are being told.

But the media, far from overstating the atheist objective as I understand it, actually undersells the broader objectives of the freethought movement. What I envision is not a war on Christmas, but a war on Christianity and religion in general. I am not content with merely keeping a nativity scene off the public grounds. That is but one minor skirmish in the wider war on superstition, gullibility, ignorance, and bigotry. If this writer had his druthers, no one would belong to any religion anywhere. That is not to say I am desirous of imposing nonbelief on the faithful. Far from it. The shedding of religious belief must be undertaken by one’s own volition, which is actually anathema to the manner in which religion itself afflicts human minds. Typically religion is simply inculcated on children who know no better than what their parents and mischievous clergy tell them. And that is how religion in the 21st century must survive: through early indoctrination and general social sanction. Religion has no real merits of which to speak.

Neither Christianity nor any other faith can withstand the rigors of intellectual honesty and scrutiny. Indeed, one suspects that the religionists are so sensitive to perceived assaults on their faith because on some level they surely know that their beliefs are logically indefensible. Religion is therefore inherently weak, and this fact should encourage those who wish to see it destroyed. And be destroyed it must.

- Max

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